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Some Tips for Families


  • Let your student know that you value education as an important part of his/her future.
  • Communicate with your student's teachers and let them know you want to be involved.
  • Check your student's school planner regularly for homework assignments.
  • Set aside time every day for homework.
  • Make sure your student completes his/her homework.
  • Talk to your student about good and bad things that happened at school that day.
  • Help your student use problem-solving skills in difficult situations.
  • Know your student's friends and their families.
  • Communicate with your student's school counselor if you feel he/she needs extra support.
  • Access Skyward Family Access. If you need your username and password, please contact us.


Q: How do I help my student with homework when I'm not available after school?

A: Dimmitt Middle School has homework help available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please refer to the After-School Programs on this website.

Q: How do I help my student with homework when I don't know the answers?

A: You can help your student by setting aside time and a quiet place that is just for doing homework. Check over assignments and ask questions—your student will learn even more from teaching the assignment to you! 

Q: What if my student says there is no homework?

A: Check your student's school planner which should have the assignments written down for each class. Then, ask to see each assignment and ask questions about it. All of our teachers update their students' grades regularly. Finally, feel free to communicate with your student's teachers about any missing or incomplete assignments, or if you're just unsure.


Did you know when families are involved, students are more likely to:

  • Attend school regularly
  • Pass more classes and earn more credits
  • Display positive attitudes about school
  • Refrain from destructive activities such as alcohol, drug use, and violence
  • Graduate from high school