8th Grade Transition to Renton High School
Dear Dimmitt Families,
I am pleased to officially welcome you to Renton High School, an International Baccalaureate (IB)
World School! I hope you and your students are excited to become part of our wonderful community – we are undoubtedly thrilled you have joined us. Transitioning to high school is incredibly important and may feel challenging if this is your first time experiencing it. But at Renton High, our ninth-grade team ensures it is as smooth as possible.
We have been working together to plan registration to support your student through a successful ninth-grade experience while building the foundation for their learning throughout high school and beyond. This letter contains many hyperlinks to take you directly to the information you need, so please check them out! We are committed to providing academic and emotional support for all students to be and feel successful!
An essential part of this transition is registration. Please see our calendar below. We have
streamlined the process and provided you with sequential steps and dates:
Important Dates
Mar 19: The Student Elective Choices form (Google form) is due for families on March 19th at 11:59 p.m.
Feb 26-Mar 25: Scheduling incoming 9th graders using Google Survey for electives & adding core classes will occur at RHS.
August 26: Students will be able to view their schedule in Skyward. We only make schedule changes if the student has taken the class and notifies us.
The Google Survey form is essential, and students may only access it if they sign in using their Renton School district Gmail account. The form will go live on February 13, and close on March 19th at 11:59 P.M. Students are only allowed to fill out this form once, so they must carefully select.
To assist students and families in making these decisions, we have included the course descriptions for all the classes available to 9th graders. Please check these out so you understand what each class offers and requires. We roll students enrolled in Choir, Band and Orchestra, Honors Language Arts, and advanced courses such as Spanish and Algebra or Geometry. If they do not want to continue in these electives, please ensure they indicate that on the Google Survey.
Information about our excellent counseling department will let you know that we have four
counselors at Renton High School, and they are divided by the first letter of your last name:
Last names: A-Da Ms. Pike
Last names: De-K Mrs. Guillet
Last names: L-Q Mr. White
Last names: R-Z Ms. Ibrahim
You do not need to register to attend Renton High School if your students are in our service area.
They are automatically enrolled in our school. If they are not in our service area, they must complete an intra-district application online. Consider doing this if you and your student contemplate participating in the IB Diploma, Certificate, or IB Career program. While students can apply for a transfer at the end of the 10th grade from another school to participate in these programs only offered to 11th and 12th graders, adapting to the IB teaching model best practices beginning in the 9th and 10th grades is best and strongly recommended.
Participating in school sports, clubs, and activities is essential to the high school experience. We hope you will access these offerings now, as many have early registration dates you will want to know. Also, remember that to qualify to participate in fall sports, we will use your students' grades from trimester 3 of the 8th grade.
As you know, parental involvement is critical to the success of our students. Your involvement can occur at many levels, but most importantly, your children need to learn how much you support and value their experiences at school. We see you as partners in your child’s education. No one understands your child better than you do, so if you want to share any information that will help us support your child, please do not hesitate to contact me and ask for an individual meeting. You can email me/us for any reason using our contact form, which is always welcomed and encouraged.
Dr. Giovanna San Martin, Principal